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6 Divisive Directors Whose Work Is Always Interesting To Watch

Some film directors, it seems, can do no wrong. Their resumes contain both hits and misses – just like everyone else – but they repel criticism like Teflon repels stains. Kathryn Bigelow, the Coen Brothers, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, J.J. Abrams – whether they deliver a career best, or a bit of a stinker, they are revered and beloved, regardless. Not everyone has that privilege, though. Some directors are divisive in a way that is seismic and astonishing – and the reasons for the difference are varied and multitudinous.

Lars von Trier

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Danish filmmaker Lars von Trier has been directing feature films since 1984 – developing his own, unique and distinctive style, and exploring a range of themes. These themes often centre upon female sexuality, and as such, he has delivered a number of fascinating female characters over the years – including Bess McNeill (Emily Watson) in 1996’s Breaking The Waves, Selma Jezkova (Bjork) in 2000’s Dancer In The Dark, Grace Margaret Mulligan (Nicole Kidman) in 2003’s Dogville, She (Charlotte Gainsbourg) in 2009’s Antichrist, Justine (Kirsten Dunst) in 2011’s Melancholia, and Joe (Charlotte Gainsbourg) in the Nymphomaniac films. Unlikely to ever be considered for studio franchise work, the Nymphomaniac films are arguably von Trier’s own series creation.

The director does not shy away from graphic depictions of sex and violence, but it is his visual style that divides audiences, as much as his choice of subject matter. A founding member of the Dogme 95 movement, he vowed to employ only the most naturalistic of techniques – shooting with hand-held cameras, on location, and eschewing any and all artifice in the pursuit of real storytelling. A relatively small audience was enamoured of this stance, and appreciative of the work it produced, while others find it to be, perhaps, too visceral and challenging to watch.