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6 Divisive Directors Whose Work Is Always Interesting To Watch

Some film directors, it seems, can do no wrong. Their resumes contain both hits and misses – just like everyone else – but they repel criticism like Teflon repels stains. Kathryn Bigelow, the Coen Brothers, Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, J.J. Abrams – whether they deliver a career best, or a bit of a stinker, they are revered and beloved, regardless. Not everyone has that privilege, though. Some directors are divisive in a way that is seismic and astonishing – and the reasons for the difference are varied and multitudinous.

Darren Aronofsky

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Having made his feature debut in 1998, with a film about a paranoid mathematician looking for the key to the universe (Pi), Darren Aronofsky found himself to be the toast of the festival circuit – with critics praising his original and inventive movie. It remained relatively little-seen in wider terms, however, and it was not until Requiem For A Dream in 2000, that his work found a wider audience.

That film – with its depictions of drug-hazes and addictions – proved to be divisive, however, with critics heaping praise upon it, while some audiences found it somewhat alienating. This pattern would prove to be relatively constant throughout the following 16 years and four movies, with The Fountain, The Wrestler, Black Swan and Noah all finding generally sympathetic reactions from critics, but rarely winning box office gold.


The division between popular success and critical success is perhaps best demonstrated by the fact that the films of Darren Aronofsky tend to attract multiple award nominations – including seven Oscar nods, and one win – while only two of his six films (Black Swan and Noah) have generated over $50 million at the box office.

Since his two financial successes, however, Aronofsky’s name appears with increasing frequency in the mix of directors considered for franchise instalments.