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Seth Rogen And Evan Goldberg Will Head To Jamaica

Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, Jonathan Levine and Will Reiser are the team behind the upcoming film 50/50, which has a very positive buzz surrounding it. Such a positive buzz in fact that the foursome has decided to team up again for another film, a road trip comedy called Jamaica.

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Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, Jonathan Levine and Will Reiser are the team behind the upcoming film 50/50, which has a very positive buzz surrounding it. Such a positive buzz in fact that the foursome has decided to team up again for another film, a road trip comedy called Jamaica.

While Levine and Reiser may not well established or well known just yet, Rogen and Goldberg are quickly becoming household names. Actor Seth Rogen and his writing partner Evan Goldberg have been responsible for films like Superbad, Pineapple Express and The Green Hornet. They’re quickly establishing themselves as one of the top comedy duos in Hollywood.

With Jamaica, the team will be reprising the same roles (in terms of directing, writing, producing etc) that they had on 50/50, according to /Film. The movie will be based on a trip Reiser took to Jamaica at the age of 14 with his grandmother. The group’s last film, 50/50, was also based on Reiser’s real life experiences.

50/50 is currently set to open on September 30th and with all the extremely positive buzz that it has, I’m definitely looking forward to it. Now that the foursome has another film on the horizon, I’m even more interested to see how 50/50 turns out since it will probably give us a good idea of what to expect with Jamaica.

While I’m not too familiar with Reiser and Levine, I am a fan of both Rogen and Goldberg. Superbad is one of my favorite comedies of the last 5-10 years and I think Seth Rogen is one of the funniest people currently working in Hollywood. His only real dud was The Green Hornet and even that wasn’t awful.

The premise for Jamaica sounds like it could provide for some pretty big laughs and hopefully the team will be able to pull off a second winner.