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Sequels To Prometheus Could Be On The Way

Is it a prequel? Is it an original? What does Prometheus have to do with Alien? These are questions that have been on every movie lover's lips ever since it has been announced. How is Prometheus related to the franchise? It's been hinted very strongly by Michael Fassbender that there is a definite genetic link. But so far, the most definitive answer has been from a journalist. Over at MovieHole, Clint has said there is a link and there will be sequels if Fox likes the movie and it makes money. Well if the film turns out to be decent I can't see why it would be a problem. I just worry that by the time the film comes out whether people will be able to distance themselves from this whole prequel nonsense and judge the film on its own merits. But there was also a very interesting point which suggests why there might be no reference to the Alien franchise in the title:

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Is it a prequel? Is it an original? What does Prometheus have to do with Alien? These are questions that have been on every movie lover’s lips ever since it has been announced. How is Prometheus related to the franchise? It’s been hinted very strongly by Michael Fassbender that there is a definite genetic link. But so far, the most definitive answer has been from a journalist. Over at MovieHole, Clint has said there is a link and there will be sequels if Fox likes the movie and it makes money.

Damon Lindelof was hired to rewrite an Alien prequel and ultimately handed in a film that didn’t much resemble one. So does this mean there’s no nods or references in the script to anything from Ridley Scott’s 1979 film? Not at all; In fact, many have said they’ve already seen concept designs and sets being built that look awfully familiar.

…the “Alien” series will continue – in another form. I don’t know much, but I’ve heard whispers that sequels (to the original quadrilogy – Ripley’s story) might be back on the cards; the whole ‘Alien Planet’ idea is still very much something everyone over at Fox and Scott Free are interested in. You ain’t see the last of Facehugger.

Well if the film turns out to be decent I can’t see why it would be a problem. I just worry that by the time the film comes out whether people will be able to distance themselves from this whole prequel nonsense and judge the film on its own merits. But there was also a very interesting point which suggests why there might be no reference to the Alien franchise in the title:

So why the change of title, press release and misinformation campaign? I’d say it’s got a lot to do with Alien 3 – despite the title, it wasn’t an Alien movie and audiences responded accordingly. I’m guessing Prometheus is going to be littered with links to the first Alien but, like Fincher’s artsy convict caper, it’s also going to be so tonally different and be much more of a character piece than Alien (or Aliens) fans would like. Fox don’t want to make the same mistake again.

To me that sounds like a reasonable explanation, so now can we drop the whole thing about the prequel and just wait until we see the finished product. Prometheus is currently shooting and will be released in June next year.