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Schwarzenegger Asked Back for Terminator, Predator And Running Man

Recently former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said that he was interested in returning to acting and that there were already offers on the table.

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Recently former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said that he was interested in returning to acting and that there were already offers on the table.

Exciting news. My friends at CAA have been asking me for 7 years when they can take offers seriously. Gave them the green light today.

Now the soon-to-be returning actor spoke to the website The Arnold Fans during The Arnold Classic, a yearly event where Schwarzenegger comes out to kick off the seminar with inspirational tales. This year he took questions from his audience about the three films that were offered to him,

“Well, first of all it’s more 15 films, obvious ones from ‘The Terminator’ to remakes of ‘Predator’ and ‘The Running Man’ and all of those things,” he said.

Schwarzenegger added that

“There’s also a lot of original stuff too. But I am also packaging a comic book character right now. I’m going to announce that sometime by the end of March or the beginning of April.”

So it looks like Arnie will be making his return to acting. The question is, with what film? Which film would you like to see him in for his first one back? Should he go with original stuff or one of his classics like Predator or Terminator?