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6 Films To Remind You That School Doesn’t Have To Suck

Man, going back to school sucks, eh? It is one of those rituals we were forced to endure most of our lives, and even though we did it every year for half our lives (I was a slow learner), it never got any easier. And it used to be that you knew September meant school, so the first time anyone brought that month up during the Summer it would make you die a little inside. But now, we have school starting in August (atleast around here in the Northeast) and you can feel the contempt pouring from many as they are forced to buy their pencils, pens, and all the other stupid shit you need to get before going back to school. But what if I told you I knew of a handful of movies that shine a sweet light on school? What if I told you there are movies that take place in and around various schools, with various colorful characters, and that seeing these movies will make you realize you are lucky as shit to be in the best place you will ever be in life?

5) Detention

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Why the SHIT have’t you seen this movie yet?

Take The Breakfast Club and mash it up with the self-awareness of the Scream movies. Then, mash that up with the visual flair of an awesome music video, then toss in some real talent (Josh Hutcherson) and a killer script.

Detention is one of my favorite high school movies of the last decade, and has a wittiness to it that slow people find scary. The movie is CONSTANTLY firing off, making jokes, making references. And on top of all that, it is bat-shit-insane fun.

Detention is about, well, detention. Much like The Breakfast Club, we find a group of wildly different teens stuck together in detention, but someone is picking them off one by one, and they need to get to the bottom of it and figure out who is doing it and why before they all end up dead. It sounds cliche, but couldn’t be farther from it. This is a satire of ALL high school movies, with sub plots of love and friendships and different cliques and such. But you have NEVER seen it done like this. A HUGELY underrated movie, and one that all people in school right now need to see to make you realize, wow, at least we are not getting killed off.

And I didn’t even tell you anything about the time-traveling bear, who may very well be my favorite character from any movie, EVER. So stop reading and go watch this movie now.