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6 Films To Remind You That School Doesn’t Have To Suck

Man, going back to school sucks, eh? It is one of those rituals we were forced to endure most of our lives, and even though we did it every year for half our lives (I was a slow learner), it never got any easier. And it used to be that you knew September meant school, so the first time anyone brought that month up during the Summer it would make you die a little inside. But now, we have school starting in August (atleast around here in the Northeast) and you can feel the contempt pouring from many as they are forced to buy their pencils, pens, and all the other stupid shit you need to get before going back to school. But what if I told you I knew of a handful of movies that shine a sweet light on school? What if I told you there are movies that take place in and around various schools, with various colorful characters, and that seeing these movies will make you realize you are lucky as shit to be in the best place you will ever be in life?

4) The Breakfast Club

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Is The Breakfast Club the best high school movie ever made? Yes. Yes it is. And it is utterly timeless. For me to prove how timeless it is, I will now address each character in the film and explain how they still fit into modern society, even as stereotypes.

The Judd Nelson character, Bender, is every pissed off teen who seems like he is just minutes away from shooting everyone. The Anthony Michael Hall character, Brian, is the quiet nerd who has evolved into the tech kid. Molly Ringwald’s Claire character is the pretty girl who is too good for everyone, yet everyone wants her anyway. The Emilio Esteves character Andrew is the pompous jock, and yes, they still very much exists. And the Ally Sheedy character of Allison is the dirty, quiet art girl, who wears black and just kind sits in the corner and does the Daria.

Now if you realize that movie was released in 1985, and it is now 2013, yet the movie hasn’t aged, that is sort of mind blowing. And it also shows you that you are not the unique flower you think you are. This distinct one-of-a-kind creature that no one is anything like, and no one will ever figure out. Guess what? John Hughes figured you out before you were even BORN.

And the final reason The Breakfast Club is on the list is because you watch it and become infinitely grateful that you don’t have to go to Saturday detentions. Speaking of detention….