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First Behind The Scenes Image From Star Wars: Episode VII Surfaces

An image was Tweeted out today from the Bad Robot Twitter account, and it gives us our first, albeit thoroughly benign, look at the behind the scenes world of Star Wars: Episode VII.


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An image was Tweeted out today from the Bad Robot Twitter account, and it gives us our first, albeit thoroughly benign, look at the behind the scenes world of Star Wars: Episode VII.

Check it out below:


Yes, that’s J.J. Abrams, looking more like George Lucas than ever with his plaid shirt and horn-rimmed glasses, posing with R2-D2. No word on whether Kenny Baker was inside the droid when the picture was taken. The Tweet simply said “Hi from the workshop!” This isn’t the first time Abrams and D2 have worked together either, as eagle eye fans will know that the droid appeared floating in space in both of Abrams’ Star Trek films.

There has been a flurry of reports surrounding Star Wars: Episode VII of late, from the removal of Michael Arndt as screenwriter to Disney CEO Bob Iger announcing that the release date has been pushed back to December 18, 2015, so this photo is a little bit of Star Wars cheer for the fans. Hooray! It’s R2-D2!

Unfortunately, the photo doesn’t come with much else. We’re still completely in the dark when it comes to plot details and cast members, and likely will be for a while. For now, we’ll just have to speculate on what R2 might be doing in Star Wars: Episode VII.

Will he finally get the chance to be a Jedi knight? Will he turn to the Dark Side and start using his force lightning on C3PO anytime he starts complaining? Let us know what you think he’ll be getting up to in this new trilogy in the comments section below!