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Sam Woolf’s Top 10 Films Of 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road, Spotlight, and Carol are just a few of the movies singled out in critic Sam Woolf's list of the Top 10 Films of 2015.

9) Keeper

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I’m bending the rules a bit here, as the French teen drama Keeper only played a handful of festivals in 2015, and doesn’t appear to have a distribution deal just yet. However, Guillaume Senez’s modest but lyrical debut is worth drawing the foul for.


A teenage pregnancy story that treats all parties involved with understanding and gentle affection, Keeper’s tremendous young leads deftly carry the heavy subject matter with buoyant, believable naiveté. The slice-of-life humanism of Senez’s unvarnished characters, and Dardennian direction mask the precision of Keeper’s symmetries: moments echo each other so purposefully that you could bisect the film as neatly as a soccer pitch. Seek it out, should you get the chance.