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Sam Woolf’s Top 10 Films Of 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road, Spotlight, and Carol are just a few of the movies singled out in critic Sam Woolf's list of the Top 10 Films of 2015.

2) Mad Max: Fury Road

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We all eventually wander to the eye of the effusive maelstrom surrounding Fury Road. Was it really as great as all the frothing worshipers claimed, or are we just so thirsty for original, high-quality action filmmaking that we’ll drink the Kool-Aid for any ambitiously assembled and thunderously wrought blockbuster?


The shock and awe of witnessing Mad Max the first time can hit you like a double-barrelled shotgun blast, but it’s when reflecting on Fury Road that it proves itself to be the real deal. You recall with clarity the quiet compassion and moments of grace found amidst George Miller’s rolling heavy metal opera. You hear the roar of the War Rig, and see the corroded beauty of a wasteland ruled by those who cheat death by becoming larger than life. Mad Max: Fury Road is joy and madness strapped to a 12-cylinder engine of cinematic stimulation. You watch, you love, you watch again.