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Salvation Boulevard Trailer

A new trailer has surfaced online for the upcoming church comedy, Salvation Boulevard. You'd think that a film dealing with corruption amongst church goers would be a big hit in todays society, not to mention its decent sized cast of well known actors. I thought the trailer would come off a little more funny then it did, but for some reason it just kind of floats on by. Reviews for the most part have been pretty negative, some have claimed that it's actually quite unfunny. This could make for a decent rental on a slow night, but it's shaping up to be a pass in the theaters. Which is ashame because Greg Kinnear doesn't seem to be getting that many good roles these days and I think he really does have potential to be funny when given good material to work with.

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A new trailer has surfaced online for the upcoming church comedy, Salvation Boulevard. You’d think that a film dealing with corruption amongst church goers would be a big hit in today’s society, not to mention its decent sized cast of well-known actors. I thought the trailer would come off a little more funny then it did, but for some reason it just kind of floats on by.

Reviews for the most part have been pretty negative; some have claimed that it’s actually quite unfunny. This could make for a decent rental on a slow night, but it’s shaping up to be a pass in the theaters. Which is a shame because Greg Kinnear doesn’t seem to be getting that many good roles these days and I think he really does have potential to be funny when given good material to work with.

Salvation Boulevard is directed by George Ratliff and stars Pierce Brosnan, Jennifer Connelly, Marisa Tomei, Ed Harris and Greg Kinnear. It opens in theaters July 15th, 2011.

Pastor Dan Day is a charismatic evangelical preacher who has captivated a small western American town with his charm — and the promise of a sweet real estate development. Carl is a former follower — not of Christ, but of the Grateful Dead — who has since become “found” in Dan’s Evangelical community, serving as one of the preacher’s great examples of spiritual and moral transformation. But Carl’s new belief system is turned upside down when he witnesses a sinful act that Pastor Dan’s doughy henchman aims to cover up.