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Ryan Reynolds Hopes Deadpool Will Be Able To Play In The MCU Sandbox

Nowadays, it seems that Disney buying companies and IPs left and right is an inevitable deal, so it wasn't entirely shocking to hear that the multimedia conglomerate had bought Fox in its entirety. What we did wonder about, though, was the fate of Deadpool 3 in the hands of a family-friendly studio, as ironic as that might sound.

Deadpool 2

Nowadays, it seems that Disney buying companies and IPs left and right is an inevitable deal, so it wasn’t entirely shocking to hear that the multimedia conglomerate had bought Fox in its entirety. What we did wonder about, though, was the fate of Deadpool 3 in the hands of a family-friendly studio, as ironic as that might sound.

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The first Deadpool hit a home run in every sense of the word, becoming the highest-grossing R-rated movie at the time, or as Ryan Reynolds took a jab at it in the sequel, just as Ryan Reynolds would, “it made more money than the guy who invented pants.” Surprisingly enough, the sequel also managed to stick the landing and reinvent the story, improving on everything the original did while also doing a great job of further developing Wade Wilson’s character.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that since people really loved the first two entries, Disney’d better have a solid plan for the threequel now that they’ve acquired the rights to all the properties previously owned by Fox. Of course, fans have a right to be concerned, as if Deadpool is indeed a part of the MCU now, can we expect the Mouse House to develop a worthy R-rated follow-up?

In a new interview with Total Film Magazine to discuss his upcoming flick, Free Guy, the actor said the following about the return of the Regenerating Degenerate in the next film:

 “Oh, man, I really don’t know. It’s just all so new with it being over at Marvel now, and, you know, figuring out the ins and outs as much as I can, from where I sit. We’ll see.”

Reynolds also touched on the subject of Disney’s involvement in the next pic and joining Marvel in general, saying:

“I don’t feel like an insider at all. I think once I’m more intimate with it – if we get to make a Deadpool 3… if or when we get to make a Deadpool 3, I’ll probably have a better perspective on that. But I’m a huge fan of Marvel, and how they make movies. So when Disney bought Fox, I only saw that as a good thing. Deadpool hopefully being allowed to play in that sandbox, I think is just a win for everyone involved. But we’ll certainly see.”

So, there you have it, Deadpool fans. If Ryan Reynolds thinks Disney holding the reins in the development of Deadpool 3 is a good idea, then we have nothing to worry about so far as the integrity of the highly anticipated threequel is concerned.