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Rogue One Actor Is Open To Star Wars Return

A huge number of Star Wars fans view Rogue One as the best movie of the Disney era, with Gareth Edwards' sci-fi war epic regularly trending on social media. Though, it hardly lent itself to continued adventures with the core cast; they were all killed off by the time the ending credits rolled.

donnie yen rogue one

A huge number of Star Wars fans view Rogue One as the best movie of the Disney era, with Gareth Edwards’ sci-fi war epic regularly trending on social media. Though, it hardly lent itself to continued adventures with the core cast; they were all killed off by the time the ending credits rolled.

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Rogue One did pigeonhole itself by eliminated the entire ensemble, but LucasFilm has shown that there’s room to continue building that pocket of the universe. Diego Luna’s Cassian Andor is headlining his own Disney Plus series, which will be set five years before the film, and Felicity Jones has admitted repeatedly that she’d be game for a return as Jyn Erso.

The latest Rogue One alumni refusing to rule out a Star Wars comeback is Donnie Yen, who played Chirrut Îmwe. In a recent interview, the martial arts legend says that he would be open to returning if an offer came his way.

“Well, I would definitely consider it. I had a great time shooting Rogue One, and I guess people like my character. It really depends, you don’t know what they’re thinking. I leave it up to Disney to sort it out. We’ll see. I believe in destiny. A lot of times, what brings people together in one film, it’s all about timing and destiny.”

If Cassian Andor can get his own solo project, Chirrut Îmwe can, too. In fact, an action-heavy episodic effort focusing on the blind badass and companion Baze Malbus has potential, especially if it revolved around the Guardians of the Whills at large (the organization they’re both in that reveres the Force).

We’re just spitballing here, but more Donnie Yen is never a bad thing; Rogue One could end up providing ample inspiration for any number of Star Wars streaming exclusives.