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Roaches, Dismemberment, And Chicken Nuggets: Matt Donato’s Top 10 Most Disturbing Movie Moments Of 2015

Our own Matt Donato has stomached a lot in 2015, but these are the most disturbing movie moments of 2015 that he just couldn't shake.

6) Contracted Phase II: Maggot Wound Infestation

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I guess there’s just something about bugs coming out of bodies that makes me a little upset, since Contracted: Phase 2 comes next with its maggot infestation. While the subpar sequel doesn’t quite meet the same standards of Eric England’s original, director Josh Forbes does ensure that the same horrific gore returns. For better or worse.

You could point to many scenes as disturbing bouts of body horror, like actor Matt Mercer peeing blood, or another character eating bloody queso dip, but nothing beats the maggot wounds. As Mercer’s character deteriorates from the inside out, he attempts to clean out worsening wounds by removing a multitude of squirming, slimy maggots from pustulating openings. And if there’s no opening, then Mercer is forced to cut into himself, and perform a little self-inflicted cleaning.