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Roaches, Dismemberment, And Chicken Nuggets: Matt Donato’s Top 10 Most Disturbing Movie Moments Of 2015

Our own Matt Donato has stomached a lot in 2015, but these are the most disturbing movie moments of 2015 that he just couldn't shake.

1) Amy: Mitch F$&king Winehouse

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Mitch Winehouse, the father of deceased singer/songwriter Amy Winehouse, has logged numerous complaints that suggest Amy holds no truth when it comes to the relationship he shared with his daughter. In the documentary, he’s painted as a money-hungry “parent” who saw his daughter as a monetary label, not a human being. Did he love his daughter? Let’s just say I like to think he did. Does that mean he was able to repress greedy, destructive decisions that lead to her demise? Unfortunately, and in hindsight, he only helped continue her spiral downward if we’re to believe the footage shown in Amy.

Actual, candid and public footage that can’t be disputed.

It almost seems frivolous to bring up now, because the irreversible damage has been done, but Mitch’s treatment of Amy is hands-down the most disturbing footage put to screen in 2015. Nothing he did, or said, was with Amy’s well-being in mind. When rehab could have saved her, Mitch claimed it wasn’t necessary. When the pressures of stardom were too much for Amy, Mitch marched her back out for bigger shows. When Amy sought refuge from media attention, he brought cameras for a reality show based around his own life. Amy didn’t have a father early in her life, and when he came back, it was with the worst intentions – but Amy didn’t care, because she had a daddy again.

Mitch Winehouse was the toxic influence we all heard about, but through the lens of Amy, we witness actions that no caring father would ever push upon their child – but he did so early, often, and right until the end. So sad, and so unfortunate that he couldn’t react properly to his daughter’s outcries for help, even though I’m convinced he heard them, and ignored each one.