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New Rise Of The Guardians Trailer Looks Legendary

Look out Avengers – a new team of powerhouse characters are set to take the world by snowstorm come November, and Dreamworks’ second trailer of Rise of the Guardians looks to be legendary.

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Look out Avengers – a new team of powerhouse characters are set to take the world by snowstorm come November, and Dreamworks’ second trailer of Rise of the Guardians looks to be legendary.

The latest trailer for the film focuses on Jack Frost, the anthromorphic entity of winter. For the most part, we get a good glimpse at the main cast’s personalities. From what we see here, Jack acts like a carefree individual – a sharp juxtaposition to the surly Easter Bunny, the fearless Tooth Fairy, the seemingly narcoleptic comedic relief Sandman, and the apparent gutsy leader Santa Claus.

Since Jack is more of a mischief-maker than a team player, the trailer gives the impression that Jack Frost, as Santa puts it, “has something special.” Considering how their antagonist is the Boogeyman, it can only be speculated to be something that can combat nightmares. Other than that, there aren’t many instances in the film where we see Jack combating Pitch with this “special” ability, besides his expected ice attacks.

With a youthful appearance and a devil-may-care attitude, it’s no surprise the internet latched onto Jack Frost almost instantly. Jack’s already amassed a legion of Tumblr fans and the Youtube comments almost unanimously praise his appearance.

But Jack Frost isn’t the only star stealing the show. Chris Pine, Hugh Jackman, Alec Baldwin, and Isla Fisher collectively voice the guardians, with Jude Law playing Pitch, the Boogeyman. As well, Dreamworks signature affinity with world-building is made evident in the attention paid to the various environments and throwbacks to the mythos the storybooks told, with refreshing twists on the old classics. In particular, the Tooth Fairy’s avian-like design is particularly original.

Rise of the Guardians will storm into theatres on November 21st. Will you be watching the legends unite? Or have you heard this story before too many times?

Check out the trailer and let us know what you think in the comments below.

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