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Richard Jenkins Joins Cogan’s Trade

The cast of Andrew Stanton's adaptation of Cogan's Trade is dynamite, it already includes Sam Rockwell, James Gandolfini, Brad Pitt and possibly Casey Affleck, could it get any better? The answer it appears is absolutely yes. Veteran character actor Richard Jenkins will be joining the film.

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The cast of Andrew Stanton’s adaptation of Cogan’s Trade is dynamite, it already includes Sam Rockwell, James Gandolfini, Brad Pitt and possibly Casey Affleck, could it get any better? The answer it appears is absolutely yes. Veteran character actor Richard Jenkins will be joining the film.

I couldn’t be more excited for this now, Jenkins is among my most favourite of actors he has the ability to bring gravitas and weight to a film even when it’s bad. Look particularly at Eat Pray Love or Let Me In, not particularly outstanding films but when Jenkins is on screen they somehow click. I think he’s a fascinating actor to watch and will surely bring something to Cogan’s Trade and shine among this already starry cast.

The film is based on a crime novel by George V. Higgins, it tells the story of a mobster who is trying to find the thieves who ripped him off, The Playlist reports that Jenkins will play a lawyer who has inside information on the dealings of the card game that starts off the trouble in the plot. Shooting begins next month in New Orleans.