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Rebecca Hall Joins Johnny Depp In Transcendence

Set to start shooting next month is Wally Pfister's directorial debut, Transcendence. We already know that Johnny Depp will lead and Paul Bettany will co-star. Already that's an impressive cast. Today, we have even more exciting news as Rebecca Hall has beat out Rooney Mara and Emily Blunt to play the part of Depp's wife.

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Set to start shooting next month is Wally Pfister’s directorial debut, Transcendence. We already know that Johnny Depp will lead and Paul Bettany will co-star. Already that’s an impressive cast. Today, we have even more exciting news as Rebecca Hall has beat out Rooney Mara and Emily Blunt to play the part of Depp’s wife.

Scripted by Jack Paglen, the film follows “a scientist named Will who is murdered by anti-technology terrorists. His wife then uploads his brain into a computer and soon enough Will is reborn in the machine and finds the ability to communicate through it, allowing him to continue conducting his research.”

With Depp, Hall and Bettany now all on board, the acclaimed cinematographer’s directorial debut is looking extremely promising. Oh ya, it’s also going to be produced by longtime collaborator Christopher Nolan. All things point to success for this one and as of now, it’s only that wacky plot summary that has me hesitating. It sounds like a real mind-bender and I’m skeptical of how it may play out. With the talent involved though, I can’t see too much going wrong here. At the very least, we can be sure that the film will be shot beautifully as Pfister has done some excellent work in the past.

As for Hall, this is a huge role for her and after she appears on screen in Iron Man 3 this May, you can expect her status in Hollywood to rise even more. Personally, I’m a fan of her work. I thought she was great in The Town and I really enjoyed her recent horror flick The Awakening. Despite the flaws it had I thought it was a solid entry into the genre bolstered by Hall’s strong performance.

Transcendence hits theatres on April 25th, 2014. Tell us, what do you think of Rebecca Hall joining the cast? Do you think she’ll make a good addition to the promising project?