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Rebecca Ferguson Rumored To Be The Frontrunner For Captain Marvel

Heroic Hollywood is reporting that Rebecca Ferguson is apparently the studio's top choice to take the lead role in Captain Marvel. After breaking out with this year's Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation, the actress is red hot and everyone seems to want a piece of her. While the report doesn't state if an official offer has been made by Marvel, it does say that she's the frontrunner for the part.


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Heroic Hollywood is reporting that Rebecca Ferguson is apparently the studio’s top choice to take the lead role in Captain Marvel. After breaking out with this year’s Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation, the actress is red hot and everyone seems to want a piece of her. While the report doesn’t state if an official offer has been made by Marvel, it does say that she’s the frontrunner for the part.

There’s been no confirmation on this from the studio just yet, but as Heroic Hollywood points out, Ferguson recently turned down the female lead in Gambit, which could be due to her chasing after this role instead. It would definitely make sense, too, as playing Captain Marvel would no doubt give her more exposure, not to mention her own franchise to lead.

Again though, this is simply a rumor for now, and until we hear more, it will remain as that. In the meantime, though, feel free to head on down to the comments section and let us know who you’d like to see take the lead role in Captain Marvel, which hits theatres on November 2nd, 2018.