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9 Reasons Why Bourne 5 Could Be The Best Movie In The Franchise

We Got This Covered takes a look at what we know about Bourne 5 and gives you 9 reasons why it could be the franchise's best outing yet.

7) So Is Matt Damon

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The Bourne Ultimatum movie image Matt Damon

No offence to Jeremy Renner, but the actor wasn’t exactly groundbreaking in The Bourne Legacy. You could put that down to the uneven writing of the script, or the fact that Renner’s Aaron Cross was basically a thinly-veiled retread of the Jason Bourne character. Regardless, Matt Damon made Bourne his own, unique creation; so the news that he’s returning for Bourne 5 is a major cause for celebration.

Like Greengrass and Universal, Damon may have something to prove with Bourne 5. He’s spent eight years out of the spy game, only to watch a young pretender (though not literally – he and Renner are the same age) come in, and a Damon-less movie to arrive under-cooked and lacking in the qualities that made the Damon Bournes so good.

The actor has only matured as a performer since The Bourne Ultimatum, stretching himself by working in all kinds of genres with all kinds of directors in the last eight years, so here’s hoping he’ll be his best Bourne yet in the new film.