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9 Reasons Why Bourne 5 Could Be The Best Movie In The Franchise

We Got This Covered takes a look at what we know about Bourne 5 and gives you 9 reasons why it could be the franchise's best outing yet.

8) Paul Greengrass Is Returning

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Though he stumbled with his first film post-Bourne Ultimatum, Green Zone, Paul Greengrass is on an upward swing after Captain Phillips, a topical, down-and-dirty thriller made in the classic Greengrass style. Though Phillips proved he was still the real deal, there was still just one problem with that film: confined to a single location for most of the running time, Greengrass – naturally inclined to explore environments and rely on rapid movement – felt just a tad constrained.

Bourne, with its globetrotting inclinations and methodical chase narrative, has always been the best fit for Greengrass as a filmmaker; with Bourne 5, he’ll be getting back to what he does best, and undoubtedly returning fresher and with more ideas after his eight-year Bourne hiatus.

After Gilroy’s fairly anonymous direction on Legacy, Greengrass bringing that visceral docu-style approach back to the franchise will show the pretenders how it’s done.