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9 Reasons Why Bourne 5 Could Be The Best Movie In The Franchise

We Got This Covered takes a look at what we know about Bourne 5 and gives you 9 reasons why it could be the franchise's best outing yet.

1) The Concept Sounds Like The Best And Most Politically Charged Yet

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If Matt Damon is one of the more politically conscious actors in Hollywood, he more than has a match in Paul Greengrass, possibly the most socio-politically astute filmmaker working in big budget cinema. Apart, they’ve worked on movies about fracking and big oil, and 9/11 and modern piracy, respectively; together, they tackled the Iraq War and espionage in a post-9/11 world. Now, it seems they’re reteaming for the most politically charged Bourne film yet.

According to Damon, the movie will cover “spying and civil liberties and the nature of democracy.” Set in a “post-Snowden world” and taking place across an “austerity-riddled Europe,” the film will kick off in Greece (“the beginning of democracy…”) and end in the “grotesque” (Damon’s words) Las Vegas. Location-wise, it sounds intriguing; thematically, however, it sounds like Bourne 5 could bear the richest fruit of the franchise.

If Greengrass and Damon realize their ambitions, this could be so much more than just another chase movie.