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6 Reasons To Be Ambivalent About Armie Hammer

Virtually every publication’s list of the rising new generation of hot young actors (or whatever variation of this designation is used) includes the seeming juggernaut of stardom that is Armie Hammer. It’s almost hard to believe how few titles he has to his name at this stage of his career, given the amount of press he gets, but the attention has been earned through first a breakthrough performance as the Winklevoss twins in The Social Network, followed by a fairly well received role opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in J. Edgar.

[h2]3) It’s unclear whether he can play more than one note[/h2]

Armie Hammer

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Granted, it’s probably fair to say that on the big screen at least, Armie Hammer hasn’t had a chance to show all he can do. He is disgustingly young, and really only has the three major roles to his credit prior to Lone Ranger. As the Brothers Winklevi he was terrific, although upon realization that his name was Armie Hammer, it’s difficult to not jump to the conclusion that perhaps there was a lot in these privileged characters to which he could relate. It could certainly be argued that his handsomeness was the main feature of his character in J. Edgar, the same pretty boy characterization springing up in Mirror, Mirror, although this one was more tonally comedic, even if that comedy largely bombed.

The optimist in me would say that he has loads of potential, that the jury is still out on whether the Hollywood push he seems to be getting is deserved or not, whether that push will make for an interesting and entertaining career. It’s also completely understandable for more skeptical audiences to wonder at the apparent ubiquity of Hammer when he hasn’t proved himself to this point. Time will tell.

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