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8 Superhero Origin Stories And Their Real World Implications

Superhero origin stories are ten-a-penny these days. They're Hollywood's bread and butter. And we're so used to seeing origin stories on-screen now (more than once, in the case of some characters - looking at you, Spider-Man), that it seems we've simply come to accept whatever origin myths they're peddling, no matter how illogical.

5) Matt Murdock/Daredevil

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The origins story:

By day, he’s a hotshot lawyer, cleaning up the streets of Hell’s Kitchen the legit way. But by night, Matt Murdock is the cunning, super-agile Daredevil, taking down NYC’s goons on his own dime despite the fact that he’s legally blind, having lost his vision in a childhood accident that heightened his other senses to near-superhuman level.

What would really happen:

That stuff about one’s other senses becoming heightened as a result of suddenly losing sight? Yeah, that’s actually true. In the case of Matt Murdock, that would probably amount to a slightly better sense of taste and smell and more acute hearing, but the ability to become a martial arts master and expert prowler, minus any sense of spacial awareness? Forget about it. Murdock could be a great lawyer, but if he carries on playing Daredevil he’s just going to hurt himself. Not even people with 20/20 vision get that lucky at fighting.