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Proving people will complain about anything, DCU detractors blast James Gunn for assigning homework

And you better make sure it's on his desk first thing Monday morning.

james gunn
James Gunn at E3 2017. Christian Petersen/Getty Images

Having stated his case to safeguard the future of the DCU, one of the most welcome knock-on effects James Gunn is going to have on the company is an increase in comic book sales.

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After being announced as part of Chapter 1 – Gods & Monsters, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow almost instantly sold out on Amazon, and following yesterday’s reveal that four runs are must-reads if you want to get the inside track on what’s coming next for the latest reinvention of the superhero franchise, this is only the tip of the iceberg.

However, the internet being what it is, some folks aren’t best pleased about being assigned reading materials by the man in charge. Of course, it’s probably not even worth noting that nobody is under any obligation to purchase or read any of the suggested titles offered up by Gunn as he hammers the DCU back into shape, but that hasn’t prevented a vocal minority from complaining nonetheless.


It goes without saying that there are some critics Gunn and Peter Safran are never going to win over, and it also wouldn’t be a stretch to suggest that many of them will be staunch defenders of the SnyderVerse. Those days are over, though, and with the future being mapped out right in front of our very eyes, maybe it’s time to get on board.

Read the comics, don’t read the comics, it doesn’t really matter as long as the final product is good enough to blow any accusations of ruination out of the water. Gunn and Safran will be completely aware of that fact, too, so the proof – as always – will be in the delicious costumed pudding.