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Poster Revealed And Date Set For Edgar Wright’s The World’s End

The closing chapter in Edgar Wright’s “Cornetto Trilogy”, The World’s End, has a new poster unveiled today along with a U.S. release date. Filming is underway for the third act of Wright’s film universe which began with zombie geek comedy, Shaun Of The Dead followed by the not-quite-as-funny Hot Fuzz. Returning to the fold are Wright stalwarts, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost who are joined by new blood Paddy Considine (Tyrannosaur, Dead Man’s Shoes) and Martin Freeman (Love Actually).

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The closing chapter in Edgar Wright’s “Cornetto Trilogy”, The World’s End, has a new poster unveiled today along with a U.S. release date.

Filming is underway for the third act of Wright’s film universe which began with zombie geek comedy, Shaun Of The Dead followed by the not-quite-as-funny Hot Fuzz. Returning to the fold are Wright stalwarts, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost who are joined by new blood Paddy Considine (Tyrannosaur, Dead Man’s Shoes) and Martin Freeman (Love Actually).

Pegg and Wright co-penned the flick which aims to mimic, recycle and take the piss out of exhausted tropes and shagged-out dialogue from apocalyptic films such as Armageddon, The Day After Tomorrow, 2012 and let’s hope to buggery it doesn’t borrow from the worst end of the world flick, Melancholia.

Atop the tale of the world’s demise will be the usual gaggle of Edgar Wright characters. Pegg’s protagonist heads up the cast as a bloke who returns to his hometown in order to compete in a drinking marathon which he never completed 20 years previously at the titular pub, The World’s End.

The poster is fashioned on the signage you’d expect to see strung up outside an English pub. The flaming planet Earth features as the central image with the brilliant tagline: “Good food. Fine Ales. Total annihilation.”  You can scope it out below.

The World’s End will open in U.S. theaters on October 25th, 2014, two months after the August 14th UK release.

What do you think about Edgar Wright‘s upcoming The World’s End? Have your say in the comments below.

Source: Screen Rant