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First Poster For Gerard Butler’s Olympus Has Fallen

Competing films are becoming a bit of a trend in Hollywood recently. Currently, The Girl and Hitchcock are duking it out for who can offer up the best portrayal of the master director and back in the Spring, Mirror Mirror and Snow White and The Huntsman battled over the best portrayal of the classic fairytale. Now, we have another pair of competing films in White House Down and Olympus Has Fallen, which both present a story revolving around the White House coming under attack.

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Competing films are becoming a bit of a trend in Hollywood lately. Currently, The Girl and Hitchcock are duking it out for who can offer up the best portrayal of the master director and back in the Spring, Mirror Mirror and Snow White and The Huntsman battled over who could present the best version of the classic fairytale.

Now, we have another pair of competing films in White House Down and Olympus Has Fallen, which both present a story revolving around the White House coming under attack and the fate of the nation falling into the hands of a Secret Service agent. Compelling stuff, right?

Though we haven’t seen much from either film just yet, we did get some official stills for White House Down last week and today, we’re seeing the first poster for its competitor, Olympus Has Fallen, which is being helmed by Antoine Fuqua.

Starring Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart and Morgan Freeman, the film follows a Secret Service agent who returns to duty when the White House comes under attack from terrorists. Given Fuqua’s background, I’d expect his version of the story to be a bit more gritty and real, compared to Roland Emmerich’s White House Down, which will probably be a bit more of a popcorn flick/action spectacle.

Either way, I have no problem with two competing “White House under attack” films being released. The premise should make for a fun ride in both cases and it will be interesting to see which flick does better. Who would audiences rather see save the White House, Channing Tatum (who leads White House Down) or Gerard Butler?

Olympus Has Fallen arrives on April 5th, 2013.