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Plenty of fans are cautiously optimistic for the new and improved DCEU

Crisis on Infinite DCEUs.

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The DCEU might well be over as we know it. Soon after the hammer came down on Batgirl, Warner Bros announced that there’s going to be a “reset” of the DC movies, with Warner Bros. Discovery CEO and President David Zaslav announcing that the focus would move away from mid-range VOD movies and towards blockbuster ‘event’ movies.

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There have been cries of outrage from across the DC fandom. Snyder fans are dismayed that this sounds like the final nail in the coffin of the #RestoretheSnyderVerse, Henry Cavill fans are gloomily coming to terms with the fact he might never again strap on a cape, and those who were holding out hope that Leslie Grace’s Batgirl might get a last-minute reprieve? You have our sympathies.

But some fans are popping champagne corks. A thread on r/DC_Cinematic says complainers are “crazy”, that Zaslav is amazing, and we should all be excited about the new plan.

Many agree, saying that any sort of firm direction to DC movies would be welcome after the chaos and mismanagement of the last few years. One key factor that’s let Marvel Studios zoom ahead of Warner Bros is that they made a plan and stuck to it, even when weaker MCU entries like Iron Man 2 and Thor: The Dark World rocked the boat a little.

Other posters point out we’ve heard this all before. The current DCEU has been through many ‘plans’ and abandoned them at the first sign of trouble, be it the Justice League debacle, ditching plans to have a director-focused universe, and now abandoning practically complete movies.

The proof, as always, will be in the pudding. If this is to be the new plan for DC movies, let’s just pray they see it through rather than ditch it midstream.