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Pleasantly surprised gorehounds thrilled to discover a horror sequel isn’t as bad as its reputation suggests

Third time's the charm.

Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth
Image via Miramax

For moviegoers, reviews can be the deciding factor for whether the flick is worthwhile. As the saying goes: “Everybody’s a critic.” Therefore, any on-the-fence viewers will rely on word-of-mouth to sell a movie. If the consensus indicates a generally unfavorable response, then the definitive verdict will deter others from enjoying what could be — in their personal opinion — a decent, enjoyable experience.

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Overall, the Hellraiser franchise consists of 11 films, comprising several sequels and a remake. Generally, the 1987 original is the most well-received, while subsequent sequels have seen the franchise’s fans at odds over which continuations live up to the expectations set by Clive Barker’s cult-classic.

Although Hellraiser III was generally more positively received than its sequel, Hellbound, several reviews called it “goofy” and “a low point in the series.” Soon after its 1992 release, word got around that Hellraiser III was disappointing, tacky, and embarrassing for the franchise, which soon discouraged viewers from giving it a chance. One Redditor even went so far as to say they were “lied to” and claimed that Hellraiser III “is actually good.”

As it turns out, they weren’t the only ones. After a thought-provoking analogy, u/mentazm ends their argument with a definitive closing statement: “Doug Bradley is a horror icon for a reason, and this is Pinhead’s film. He gets all the best dialogue and scenes, and for that, I’m grateful Hell on Earth is mostly good.” Naturally, Redditors came out of the woodwork to support the claim, sharing their own experiences with Hellraiser III and defending its status as valuable to the franchise.

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Other comments compared Hellraiser III to the remainder of the franchise, unanimously agreeing that 2000’s Hellraiser: Inferno was the last entertaining sequel before the franchise started to ease off the gas.

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Like most franchises, after the fifth installment, the concept starts to get lost in translation and the authenticity suffers. From Hellraiser: Hellseeker onwards, the franchise becomes a literal laughingstock, attempting to rehash old rivalries and return to its roots, but it instead becomes unbearable.