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Peter Parker Mourns The Death Of Tony Stark In Avengers 4 Fan Art

By most people’s moral standards, the Mad Titan is a pretty bad guy, but perhaps it speaks to his character that even during the heat of battle Thanos has some flattering, if still rather ominous words for his enemy Tony Stark: “I hope they remember you.” With that line from Avengers: Infinity War in mind, one fan has provided us with some bittersweet artwork which predicts the events of Avengers 4 while offering a response to Thanos’ words.

By most people’s moral standards, the Mad Titan is a pretty bad guy, but perhaps it speaks to his character that even during the heat of battle Thanos has some flattering, if still rather ominous words for his enemy Tony Stark: “I hope they remember you.” With that line from Avengers: Infinity War in mind, one fan has provided us with some bittersweet artwork which predicts the events of Avengers 4 while offering a response to Thanos’ words.

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“We remember you, Mr. Stark,” reads the caption of the below image, featuring Iron Man memorialized in statue form. The line is presumably meant from the perspective of Stark’s protégé and fellow Avenger, Peter Parker, seen at the bottom of the pic and with his Spider-Man mask off in public, no less.

Indeed, it’s widely believed that next year’s movie will be the final appearance from Robert Downey Jr. in the MCU, and though this doesn’t necessarily mean that his character will ultimately perish in the fight against Thanos, most fans would place him right up there on the list of most likely fatalities.

This image also serves as a bit of a role reversal after Peter’s final scene in Infinity War. But while the Marvel mega-hit saw Spider-Man turn to dust while Stark helplessly watched, the upcoming Spider-Man: Far From Home ensures that we’ll be seeing the character back in one piece by the time the MCU kicks off its fourth phase.

And speaking of the franchise’s forthcoming plans, illustrator Raichack Reang offers one last endearing little Easter egg in the above image. While you may well have noticed the Avengers Tower looming in the background, what you might have missed at first glance is that the standard ‘A’ logo has been changed to a ‘4,’ heralding the arrival of the Fantastic Four in the wake of the Fox-Disney merger.

Ultimately, the future of the MCU remains a little mysterious for now, but much will be revealed when Avengers 4 finally hits theaters on May 3rd, 2019.