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DC Fans Accusing Wonder Woman 1984 Of Promoting Sexual Assault And Racism

While early reactions to Wonder Woman 1984 were generally positive, the film is now facing a lot of controversy and backlash online, with many fans hailing Patty Jenkins' sequel as the worst pic in the DCEU, which, given its unwieldy track record, is a bold statement to make.

Wonder Woman 1984

While early reactions to Wonder Woman 1984 were generally positive, the film is now facing a lot of controversy and backlash online, with many fans hailing Patty Jenkins’ sequel as the worst pic in the DCEU, which, given its unwieldy track record, is a bold statement to make.

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Disregarding the lacklustre action sequences, and its numerous plot holes that haunt the coherency of the narrative, folks are also struggling with a certain element involving the return of Steve Trevor. And we’ll warn you now that spoilers lie ahead.

For those who’ve watched WW84, you’ll know that the circumstances involving the apparent resurrection of Trevor were confusing, to say the least. The character suddenly sprang up 30 minutes into the film, where he explained that his soul took possession of a random guy’s body. What makes this even more unsettling is the fact that Diana and Steve proceed to get intimate with each other in a number of scenes, which some viewers have interpreted as a form of sexual assault.

Here are just some of the things that they’ve been saying about it on social media:



Other folks, meanwhile, had issues with how the movie handled racism and featured a stereotypical depiction of Muslims, as you can see below:



Of course, not to state the obvious here, but I think the mechanics involved with body possession in Wonder Woman 1984 are a bit too ambiguous to jump to conclusions. Then again, the movie dodging such explanations, which are also arguably important in the context of the narrative, doesn’t help matters, either.

What do you think about this issue, though? Let us know in the usual place down below.