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Peeta And Katniss Get Dirty In New Hunger Games Pics

Two new pictures have premiered from The Hunger Games via the film's official Facebook page. The images don't indicate exactly what is going on in their scenes, but one can speculate. In the first picture, Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) appears to be relaxing, covered in dirt, and in the second picture, Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) is equally messy in a ready-to-fight-stance.

Katniss and Peeta - The Hunger Games
Photo via The Hunger Games

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Two new pictures have premiered from The Hunger Games via the film’s official Facebook page. The images don’t indicate exactly what is going on in their scenes, but one can speculate. In the first picture, Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) appears to be relaxing, covered in dirt, and in the second picture, Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) is equally messy in a ready-to-fight-stance.

If I had to speculate, it seems as if the Peeta image is from one of the more intimate scenes he has with Katniss. He’s clearly already in the games, as indicated by the dirt all over his face. It’s not nighttime, so he’s not getting ready to go to sleep. So why is he leaning back and relaxing in the dangerous Hunger Games? He must be protected by Katniss. This would definitely be at least half-way through the movie.

The second image seems completely up in the air. I’m not even completely positive that it’s Katniss in the Games. She could just be hunting in the woods, but the clothing does seem like her Games costume. If it is Katniss in the Games, it could be at almost any point in the film.

Regardless, I’m feeling more and more confident about the casting choices of Josh Hutcherson and Jennifer Lawrence, who based on these images alone, look perfect for their roles.