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Paying customers rue the best movies to ever crash and burn at the box office

Why didn't more people buy a ticket?

the thing the iron giant blade runner 2049
via Warner Bros./Universal

We live in a world where a Marvel Cinematic Universe adventure failing to earn a billion dollars is viewed as a disappointment by the franchise’s staunchest supporters, so the lines between success and failure on a commercial level are becoming increasingly blurred. Outside of the blockbuster arena, though, a bomb is a bomb whatever way you try and cut it.

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As everyone knows all too well, the best movies aren’t the ones to make the most money, which is an unfortunate fact of life. Obviously, many phenomenal features have made a killing during their theatrical runs, but every conceivable type of cinema from genuine classics to cult favorites have struggled to find two pennies to rub together during their runs at the multiplex.

With that in mind, Redditors have been ruing the best flicks to have flopped on arrival, and based on the fact the thread in question has racked up over 1000 comments at the time of writing, everyone has an opinion – many of which are entirely fair.

The conversation kicks off with Joseph Kosinski’s stirring firefighting drama Only the Brave, which couldn’t even recoup its $38 million budget at the box office. John Carpenter’s The Thing and Brad Bird’s The Iron Giant are among the finest examples horror and animation have to offer, but neither of them turned a penny of profit.

The same goes for The Shawshank Redemption, Paul Thomas Anderson’s The Master, both Blade Runner and sequel 2049, as well as Shane Black’s phenomenal crime capers Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and The Nice Guys. Life isn’t fair sometimes, and as a result, any self-respecting cinephile knows the pain of watching one of their favorites be ignored by the masses.