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Oscar Isaac Offers Some Advice To Fans Still Upset By Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Via Yahoo Movies, Poe Dameron himself, Oscar Isaac, has offered some advice to those fans still upset by Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Having starred in two live-action Star Wars movies, not to mention doing some vocal work for Disney’s upcoming Resistance series, Oscar Isaac’s Poe Dameron is fast becoming a favorite amongst fans.

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He is, after all, the best damn pilot in the galaxy, and we fully expect his arc to reach a natural conclusion when Star Wars: Episode IX makes a beeline for theaters next Christmas.

However that may be, while promoting Chris Weitz’s WWII thriller Operation Finale, Isaac addressed the controversy surrounding The Last Jedi, and admits that he actually welcomes any criticism of the Rian Johnson-directed sequel as it encourages a genuine debate between those who liked the movie, and those who did not – so long as it doesn’t devolve into online harassment or hate speech.

In doing so, the actor also offered up some advice to fans still upset by Episode VIII:

What I think is really special about the whole thing, particularly for people that really didn’t agree with where the story went, is that it’s often a great inspiration to do your own stuff. Obviously, making your own Star Wars movie is a bit of a tough challenge, but at least from a narrative standpoint maybe you make your own thing and then show what you would want. Make what you would want to see.

In theory, Isaac’s approach would certainly create a more welcoming environment online, but when a small minority are hellbent on launching spiteful campaigns and sabotaging the Rotten Tomatoes audience score, it becomes difficult to find some common ground for an earnest discussion about Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Next on the calling card for Poe Dameron is the launch of Resistance this fall, before he returns to headline Episode IX on December 20th, 2019.