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Oscar Isaac Fans remind everyone of his amazing horror movie chops

'Moon Knight' is thrilling but Isaac is also capable of being downright horrifying.

Oscar Isaac
Photo by Jesse Grant/Getty Images for Disney

The last few years have been great for Oscar Isaac. He’s pulling in across the board raves for his Moon Knight performance. Not only did he get a star turn in last year’s tentpole sci-fi adaptation Dune, but he also put in a star turn in Paul Schrader’s under the radar The Card Counter, which was highly lauded as one of his best performances. But certain Redditors want to remind everyone that Isaac has another wheelhouse: Horror.

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Reddit user Johnny_Mc2 recently posted a clip from Isaac’s 2018 film Annihilation featuring Isaac on Reddit’s r/Horror page. Although his second team up with Alex Garland is very much a science fiction story, a genre Isaac also capably owns, there are unmistakable elements of horror present as well. Isaac’s character Kane, returning home to his wife, played by Natalie Portman, is one of the more subtle yet absolutely creepy elements.

Kane returns home after reportedly perishing during a top-secret mission. Portman’s Lena is initially overjoyed, but soon it becomes apparent that Kane, if it is indeed Kane, has only returned physically. Isaac effortlessly turns joy into dread and relief into questioning horror.

byu/Johnny_Mc2 from discussion

Fellow Reddit users enthused over Isaacs’s performance in the comments, with one calling it ” beautiful and disturbing” while another declared Isaac “unnerved the hell out of me.”

Isaac obviously has the pick of the litter when it comes to future roles and has already proven many times over that he can work in nearly any genre, but perhaps this will serve to remind him (as well as filmmakers) that when it comes to unnerving viewers, Isaac is an absolute genius.