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Exclusive Interview With Nicolas Winding Refn On Only God Forgives

While in NYC to promote his new film, Only God Forgives, I had the chance to sit down with Nicolas Winding Refn for an exclusive, 1 on 1 interview. Though brief, the director talked about setting the mood for the film, working with Ryan Gosling again, his upcoming projects and more. Check it out here!

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You’ve worked with Ryan twice now, why do you guys work so well together? Did you write the character of Julian with Ryan in mind?

Nicolas Winding Refn: No, I was actually going to do Only God Forgives before Drive. Luke Evans was actually first attached to the role of Julian. He’s a good actor, but he dropped out before it started filming. I really enjoy working with Ryan though, he’s one of my favorite actors. We have a great relationship and if it works, why not continue?

Now that you’ve already worked with Ryan once, did you find it easier to craft his character since it was similar to the character he played in Drive?

Nicolas Winding Refn: Well playing a character like Julian relies on a lot of trust. The actor is very naked. So you really need to trust the people you work with. If we hadn’t done Drive, we wouldn’t have had that trust in each other. So it’s a good idea that we did that movie before, which also utilized silence.

Were you shocked when audiences booed your film at Cannes and walked out?

Nicolas Winding Refn: Well you’re kind of like “what the heck, why?” but I mean, look what happened to the Sex Pistols. [laughs] Don’t forget, a lot of people hated Drive when it was released. But all the negativity just kind of evaporates over time and the love just stays. It is what it is. I like the process of diversity though.

Do you ever see yourself moving from art house films to blockbuster or franchise territory? 

Nicolas Winding Refn: I would love to do one but I don’t know what it would take to do. I know I would have to give up my creative freedom, which I very much enjoy. Life’s short, why not make it fun as long as it lasts? I’d be open to it though and I’ve been entertaining ideas and I’ve been attached to big films but in the end, it just didn’t feel right.

What about Bond, would you still direct a film in that franchise?

Nicolas Winding Refn: Bond was very exciting to me. I think that the franchise has such a proud history of great films and great filmmakers. I’m a Bond fan, I grew up on Bond.

Can you tell us a bit about The Incal, have you started working on that project yet?

Nicolas Winding Refn: The Incal is a huge, graphic sci-fi novel. I haven’t even bought the rights though. I’ve just said that I’m interested in it. I haven’t approached anyone for it yet, I’m just interested in it. It’s a famous graphic novel from the early 80’s. It’s crazy and bizarre and psychedelic but I don’t know if I’m going to do it. Someone asked me a while back and unfortunately I said I was interested. That quote got online and well, you know how it is. [laughs]

And there was also mention of a comedy that you’re developing with Ryan Gosling, can you tell us a bit about that?

Nicolas Winding Refn: Well, Ryan and I have talked about doing a comedy. We’re both very funny. I can’t say anymore than that though.

So what are you working on now then?

Nicolas Winding Refn: I’ve been spending a lot of time on my television show Barbarella. I’d like to do a horror movie too. Not a remake, I’m such a horror fan so I would never do a remake. I’m working on a few original ideas though.

Is the Valhalla Rising sequel still happening? 

Nicolas Winding Refn: I don’t know where THAT came from. [laughs] That was just a mis-interpretation that got picked up somewhere. But I have talked to Mads Mikkelsen about doing another movie.

And what about I Walk With The Dead, any progress on that?

Nicolas Winding Refn: It’s still happening, but right now I’m focused on Barbarella.

That concludes our interview but we’d like to thank Nicolas for taking the time to talk to us. Be sure to check out Only God Forgives when it hits theatres this Friday.