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New Promo Images For The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2

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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 hardly needs a marketing campaign after the massive exposure the books and enthusiastic fans have given the series. However, after the recent cheating scandal with Kristen Stewart, re-emphasis on aesthetic value probably doesn’t hurt.

Eleven photos of Bella and her supernatural ilk have been released today and they are, for lack of a better word, smouldering. Fans and critics alike get a good look at the cast, with the vampires sporting their usual glowing pale pallor and the lone wolf staring intensely at the viewer.

Personally, the pictures aren’t very persuasive. The stills are the sort that may influence Twihards, but the rest of the public is likely going to fidget under these invasive gazes. The actors and actresses are overly photoshopped, perfected and similar in appearance to each other. I know this is the point of the franchise, to appeal to an intended demographic through unearthly beauty, but the brooding, doll-like faces are not as hypnotic as they are intended to be.

Furthermore, Bella and Edward’s photo together hardly screams chemistry; it’s as if someone placed two ridiculously good-looking mannequins together.

But these are my minor, insignificant gripes. Although the pictures haven’t convinced me, more teasers of the finale of the Twilight saga might just sway my opinion.

Breaking Dawn – Part 2 is set to hit theatres on November 16th. Are you waiting for its release or skipping the vampiric theatrics?

Check out the promo photos and tell us what you think in the comments below.