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Necessary Evils: Matt Donato’s Top 13 Horror Movies Of 2015

Is this the part where I'm supposed to act surprised about another year flying by? Yes, after digesting ninety-something horror movies, the cream has risen to the top, and we're here to crown the best of the best. Tons of generic zombie flicks have shambled across screens, countless vampires have drained our energy, and hopeful slashers made a run at villainous glory - but these are the films you'll still be talking about when 2016 begins. Or, for those of you playing catchup, here's the perfect place to start.

13) Anguish

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Three days ago, there was a different movie in this spot. Two and a half days ago, Anguish replaced said film. It took half a day to track down a screener of Anguish, soak in its human beauty, and place it in my top horror films of the year. Not only does Sonny Mallhi put together some tremendous establishing shots and visual spooks, but at the heart of Anguish is a terrifically heartbreaking story about life itself. Much like another film that’ll appear later in the countdown, this is a dissection of letting go and moving on – or being forced to, at least.

The film itself plays out in two halves, both of which find success for different reasons. The beginning is a possession-type thriller with ample chills, while the ending explores an Insidious-like “Further” realm where spirits struggle with accepting their afterlife. Two mothers are confronted by tremendous decisions, a miracle is asked to be reversed, and acceptance guides our way to understanding thanks to a leading performance by Ryan Simpkins.

Don’t be fooled by Mallhi’s association to The Strangers – this is a different type of horror film. One that makes you think, feel, and reflect.

12) The Funhouse Massacre


The Funhouse Massacre is another film that went from a random screener watch to a title that I now recommend regularly, thanks to a few well-timed tweets and an unexpectedly open schedule.

This gory little carnival attraction is wild, comical, and gleefully demented, which benefits an independent horror film with no regrets. So many of today’s mainstream horror copies construct the same dark settings, but Andy Palmer’s crew opts for a more colorful, lively production – a glow that separates The Funhouse Massacre from more generic efforts.


The likes of Robert Englund, Courtney Gains, and Clint Howard give this murderous maze their genre seal of approval, and kills are as bloody as they are lively, but most importantly, there’s an energy about The Funhouse Massacre that highlights a sense of fun.

It’s simple horror entertainment – mix together a group of psychopaths, trapped victims, and a comedic attack that remains genuinely humorous. You can’t ask for much else.