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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Horror Hotties We Watch Terrible Movies To See

I think it's funny that just because I am a feminist that seems to imply I can't desire to have sex with women. Apparently the act of being a feminist takes women out of that light, and casts them in some super serious, sexless, gender-less role. That sounds abusive to me, dehumanizing women to pump women up? No, I think quite the opposite.

Remy: Michelle Berryman (The Hills Have Eyes)

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Listen, I know they covered this woman in prosthetics to hide her real beauty, and I cannot say I blame them. Even with that misshapen head and those weird, unbalanced eyes, there is just something utterly captivating about her jaw line, and the feral qualities she brings to the screen whenever they feature her.

(It was at this point Matt informed me that Michelle Berryman is actually Michael, and that NO prosthetics were used at all, that is just how he was born as the result of twenty six birth defects.)

Wow, Matt, seems like YOU missed Feminism 101. Just because she may be ugly to you, to strip her of her gender identity is so patriarchal of you. You MUST be a Republican! You better watch your back…

*Storms off

Nato: Um, what? Why did that get political? I think I might need a break from this. *Doorbell rings*

So how many of you suffered through the same movies just for these bodacious babes? Did we miss your favorite horror hotties who carried their own movies? Let us know in the comments!

*A special thanks to Remy for stepping in to guest write! Feel free to follow either of us on Twitter for even more insanity and updates:

Matt Donato

Remy Carreiro

Like what you read? Check out last week’s edition where Remy and I discuss our favorite horror masks!