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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Horror Hotties We Watch Terrible Movies To See

I think it's funny that just because I am a feminist that seems to imply I can't desire to have sex with women. Apparently the act of being a feminist takes women out of that light, and casts them in some super serious, sexless, gender-less role. That sounds abusive to me, dehumanizing women to pump women up? No, I think quite the opposite.

Nato: Jennifer Lawrence (House At The End Of The Street)

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Do I seriously have to explain this one? Jennifer Lawrence is the new heavyweight “It” girl balancing style, grace, a grounded personality, and astounding beauty. Also, House At The End Of The Street was a twist-less piece of garbage that easily made my Worst Horror Films of 2012 list. But why did I watch the entire thing? Because when Jennifer Lawrence is on screen, you’re not allowed to look away. Sorry, I don’t make the rules, I just follow them with the most extreme devotion.

Yes, while she absolutely killed it in Silver Linings Playbook, deserving her Oscar without debate, she unfortunately can be tied to Mark Tonderai’s epic horror fail, making everyone jealous of Max Thieriot’s fake relationship with her – until he tries to kill her. Then every man’s primal instinct kicks in and all we can do is want to rip Thieriot limb from limb because of his stupid actions and our want to protect one of America’s #1 sweethearts, and who we can only assume is the love of numerous stalker’s lives. A beautiful woman carrying a abysmal film – that’s what this article is about, isn’t it?