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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Horror Hotties We Watch Terrible Movies To See

I think it's funny that just because I am a feminist that seems to imply I can't desire to have sex with women. Apparently the act of being a feminist takes women out of that light, and casts them in some super serious, sexless, gender-less role. That sounds abusive to me, dehumanizing women to pump women up? No, I think quite the opposite.

Remy: Jennifer Love Hewitt (See Filmography)

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Confession time – though you all started loving her around her Party of Five days, I loved this chick since Kids Incorporated, so essentially, since we both were nine. I mean, did you even know about The Byrds of Paradise, her show with Seth Green? Didn’t think so, punks.

Though it could be said her turn as victim in the I Know What You Did Last Summer series was not exactly Shakespearean in depth, it was the second movie that really stunk like the fishing town it was based on. But there were two things that made that movie thoroughly enjoyable, and they both just got insured for five million dollars. We encourage insured boobs, assh*les. It’s called feminism – haven’t you got the theme of this article yet?!