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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Horror Hotties We Watch Terrible Movies To See

I think it's funny that just because I am a feminist that seems to imply I can't desire to have sex with women. Apparently the act of being a feminist takes women out of that light, and casts them in some super serious, sexless, gender-less role. That sounds abusive to me, dehumanizing women to pump women up? No, I think quite the opposite.

Remy: Ashley Greene (The Apparition/Twilight)

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It’s like this girl prides herself on taking scripts she doesn’t actually read first.

The Twilight series MAY JUST BE my most hated film series ever. I think that everything it stands for is an absolute joke, and the only redeeming thing about my old life when I was forced to take special needs kids to see these movies was the glimmering ray of light that is Ashley Greene. She looks like something one of your fat friends would draw so he could rub one out to her. Honestly, she doesn’t even look real. And the best part is, despite her film choices, I have seen her in interviews and the girl is remarkably well spoken and graceful. In other words – I want to crawl up inside her and go to sleep.