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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: What Scares Us?

Join Matt Donato and Remy Carreiro as they tackle the horror genre one topic at a time. This week, the duo discuss what films scare them to death!

Remy – Funny Games

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Lastly, I really don’t think I have ever had a movie watching experience quite like the first time I saw Funny Games. This movie is made specifically for “American horror audiences”, and it showed me a side of myself I was never really aware existed.

The bad guys in this film specifically do things for our entertainment, us, the viewer, laughing that this is what horror audiences want to see, all while (mostly mentally) torturing a helpless family. All through the movie, I found myself begging these guys to stop, begging for the tables to turn, and when they finally do, the movie throws what may very well be the most insane and awesome plot-twist I have ever seen. Not just for a horror film, any film ever. I won’t ruin it here for the few of you who have not seen either movie, but I can say the remote control scene took everything I knew about horror and spun it on its head.

With Funny Games (either version, both are perfect) you are not a spectator. You are a conspirator. You are involved. You feel as if you are a third accomplice to these two, and it is a sickening feeling, truly. Of all the violence that happens in this film, 90% of it is off-screen. Yet still, when the movie ends, you cannot help but feel like you were just privy to some horrible events, and that, somehow, it’s partly your fault. For that reason alone, Funny Games tormented me. But also, for that reason alone, there is no denying that Funny Games is one of the greatest films ever made. Not just horror, but ever.

Be prepared to feel sick and angry by the time this movie ends. Take comfort in knowing they were just trying to put on a good show for you.

It’s all your fault the malicious events play out. How’s THAT for horrifying?

Now it’s your turn!  Feel free to let Remy and I know what sniveling cowards we are in the comments, and share your list of films that chill you to the core.

*A special thanks to Remy for stepping in to guest write!  Feel free to follow either of us on Twitter for even more insanity and updates:

Matt Donato

Remy Carreiro