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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: What Scares Us?

Join Matt Donato and Remy Carreiro as they tackle the horror genre one topic at a time. This week, the duo discuss what films scare them to death!

Remy – The Exorcist

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Next up, we have The Exorcist. I know this one is clichĂ©, but we need to be honest here, and that movie messed me up badly. Evil is not as hard to process as seeing a monster on film, because evil is real, and that is what William Friedkin’s movie does SO well. It takes the innocent (Linda Blair) and makes it into the ultimate evil, much like Nato’s Child’s Play pick. Truth be told, unlike any others on this list, I cannot watch this movie all the way through, to this day. And of course, being an ass who needs to know every aspect of horror, I read the diary from the priest who did the exorcism this film was written around, and wouldn’t you know, it was the scariest thing I ever read in my life, and only made me fear the film that much more. I am not a God-fearing man, by any means (organized religion is a silly institution to me), but this movie made me into a Devil-fearing man. Which means, this movie made evil REAL to me. So in essence, I live in a God-less world, but there is palpable evil in it. The Exorcist taught me that, so I think you can know why it’s on my list.

Also, I find it incredibly captivating that Linda Blair is COMPLETELY believable in this film, through and through, yet was a terrible actress in every single thing she did since. How does that happen? Possession man, that’s how!

*Hides under bed, whimpering.