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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Horror’s Most Memorable Babies! D’awwww…

In keeping with the whole "evil horror babies" theme, Remy and I decided to look back on the horror genre and discuss our favorite, well, "evil horror babies." Some are zombies, some are demons - hell, some are even human! That's the power of the horror genre, taking those things that should represent happiness, and turning those smile-producing normalities into all that is unholy. Don't get me wrong, I'm in no way suggesting we should all act like Kyle Broflovski and "kick the baby," but if you were ever to kick any baby, it'd probably be one of these little buggers.

Nato – Gage Creed (Pet Sematary)

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OK, I might be stretching the age range on the term “baby” here, but just look at that evil, sick, maniacal face. Child actor Miko Hughes is the bastard responsible for turning so many people off to the concept of children for his portrayal of Gage Creed – a miraculously undead boy thanks to a magical pet cemetery. Young Miko was only three years old when he terrified the world as Gage, transforming the innocence and playfulness of toddlers into something nightmare worthy – aided by his wielding of a sharp scalpel. This Stephen King adaptation may not have won over mainstream audiences when originally released, but it’s since gained a tremendous cult following – and that’s thanks in large part to Miko.

When I think Pet Sematary, I immediately think of the tiny Gage attacking Jud Crandall, played by Fred Gwynne, slashing his heel open, cutting him some more, and then ripping out his throat. Not only is the violence brutal, but Miko taunts other characters (and ultimately the viewers) with lines like, “Will you come over and play with me?” HOW AM I NOT SUPPOSED TO LOOK AT SMALL CHILDREN AND NOT RUN AWAY SCREAMING WHEN THEY ASK TO PLAY NOW? Well, OK, if they haven’t been previously killed then buried in an ancient burial ground, I guess I should be safe, but considering how creepy children already can be when utilized properly, Pet Sematary may have one of the scariest child (almost baby) characters in history.

I mean, three years old is practically a baby, which brings up another point – what a performance from an actor only three years of age. Gage has a presence that adult actors can’t even muster at times, so kudos to Miko, and even though he hasn’t done much acting as of late, I’m sure he’d be welcomed back with open arms.