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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Horror’s Most Memorable Babies! D’awwww…

In keeping with the whole "evil horror babies" theme, Remy and I decided to look back on the horror genre and discuss our favorite, well, "evil horror babies." Some are zombies, some are demons - hell, some are even human! That's the power of the horror genre, taking those things that should represent happiness, and turning those smile-producing normalities into all that is unholy. Don't get me wrong, I'm in no way suggesting we should all act like Kyle Broflovski and "kick the baby," but if you were ever to kick any baby, it'd probably be one of these little buggers.

Remy – Baby (Inside)

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Okay, let it be known that unlike most babies on this list, this baby is not even remotely evil. As a matter of fact, unlike most babies on this list, the baby from the French horror film Inside is actually just a baby, but if said baby didn’t exist, would any of the bad stuff that happens in this movie actually happen? Nope. So, in essence, it is all the baby’s fault, right? So, the baby DOES have a place on this list. No, not evil by definition, but one can say this child is DESTINED to be evil.


The fact that the evil woman ends up with the baby pretty much says it all. I mean, that kid was brought into the world by being cut from his living mother who was then left there to die like his father had before (in the accident). If there was ever kid who seemed destined to turn into that weird guy (or girl) who rapes and eats children, this poor kid is the poster child.

Like I said, not evil in the sense of the other children on this list, but a baby that causes a whole slew of problems from the first second we meet it. In its Mom’s stomach. During a car accident.

Wow, Inside is righteously intense, huh?