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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Horror’s Most Memorable Babies! D’awwww…

In keeping with the whole "evil horror babies" theme, Remy and I decided to look back on the horror genre and discuss our favorite, well, "evil horror babies." Some are zombies, some are demons - hell, some are even human! That's the power of the horror genre, taking those things that should represent happiness, and turning those smile-producing normalities into all that is unholy. Don't get me wrong, I'm in no way suggesting we should all act like Kyle Broflovski and "kick the baby," but if you were ever to kick any baby, it'd probably be one of these little buggers.

Remy – Zombie Baby (Dead Alive)

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Dead Alive is awesome for a thousand reasons. One, it is often cited as the “bloodiest” movie ever made, and can back that up with buckets and buckets of the stuff. Second, it’s incomparably hilarious. Not just funny. Hilarious. The over-quoted “I kick ass for the Lord” line will forever go down as one of the greatest quotes ever committed to film. Third, and the reason this film packs an extra kick, is Peter Jackson’s direction. Yes, the same one who likes to make trilogies out of old books. Before he started love-humping the life out of Tolkien’s work, he was an old fashioned lover of horror and camp. Think New Zealand’s Sam Raimi and you have a decent idea.

The fourth and final reason I will mention why Dead Alive is awesome is because it has the first zombie baby ever put on film. Not only the first, but definitely one of the best as well.

Why the best?

You need to understand, Jackson’s old budgets were about one-one millionth of what they are now, so the zombie baby ended up obliviously being a rubber puppet, yet a rubber puppet doing atrocious things. If you walked in on someone watching the Dead Alive baby scenes, you would initially scoff, but I swear that you eventually would also sit down and start watching it. Every minute is just so batshit insane, gory, and funny. Jackson ingeniously exploits something no film ever had before.

It’s a simple fact – zombie babies are F@C*ING awesome.

Enough with the Hobbitzes, Pete. Please, go back to your old style.