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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Masks Make The Man

I make masks, you know? I know you don't, because the only people who know that are all dead - but I really do. My love for horror caused me to start picking up different old school masks and modding them out. The thing is, once you have a terrifying mask, there's really nothing you can do but go out and murder people in them. I mean I put so much effort into them, why shouldn't I show them off?! For that reason alone, I only have three. Do you want to see them? Don't worry, you will.

Remy – The Babyface Mask (The Hills Run Red)

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Okay, so this movie may have sucked some serious open-ass, but the mask the killer wore in this film is one of my favorite slasher masks of all time. It is the face of a baby, all kept together with barbed wire, the jaw not even connected to the top piece. It was such a shame that this movie was so bad, because it was a waste of such a good mask design. But don’t worry, I am keeping the dream alive. https://vine.co/v/bruhLFQLAd7

So have we inspired you all to start making your own horror masks? No? That’s probably a good thing. Did you at least like our list? Which horror masks are some of your favorites? Let us know!

*A special thanks to Remy for stepping in to guest write! Feel free to follow either of us on Twitter for even more insanity and updates:

Matt Donato

Remy Carreiro

Like what you read? Check out last week’s edition where Remy and I host our very own Oscar-type horror awards dubbed The Igor Awards!