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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Masks Make The Man

I make masks, you know? I know you don't, because the only people who know that are all dead - but I really do. My love for horror caused me to start picking up different old school masks and modding them out. The thing is, once you have a terrifying mask, there's really nothing you can do but go out and murder people in them. I mean I put so much effort into them, why shouldn't I show them off?! For that reason alone, I only have three. Do you want to see them? Don't worry, you will.

Nato – Jason (Friday the 13th franchise)

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Ok, how am I going to talk about iconic horror masks without picking quite possibly the most recognizable mask in horror cinema history? Of course it’s Jason Voorhees! I don’t care how mainstream I’m being with this pick – that lumbering, machete-wielding demon-spawn deserves a spot on this list just like any of the other masked murders.

Don’t believe me? Try this. Close your eyes, clear your head, then think of the first horror mask that comes to mind. Is it a hockey mask, covered in grime and blood, hiding the disfigured face only the craziest of mothers could love? No? Shut up, it is, don’t toy with me. It’s Jason’s hockey mask and you know it.

Through all the variations, from theĀ simplestĀ of white goalie masks to the futuristic chrome space-mask, Jason would be nothing without his accentuating facial characteristic which has become a piece of movie history. Without it, he’d just be another slasher killer. With it, he’s a horror legend. Plus, it paved way for the line “Dude, that goalie was pissed about something!”