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Nato And Remy’s Last Stand: Masks Make The Man

I make masks, you know? I know you don't, because the only people who know that are all dead - but I really do. My love for horror caused me to start picking up different old school masks and modding them out. The thing is, once you have a terrifying mask, there's really nothing you can do but go out and murder people in them. I mean I put so much effort into them, why shouldn't I show them off?! For that reason alone, I only have three. Do you want to see them? Don't worry, you will.

Remy – Leslie Vernon (Behind the Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon)

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I’m not even sure what is about those big hollow eyes that messes me up so much, but they do. Those massive black eye-holes paired with that odd, grey skin color makes the mask from Behind the Mask something truly terrifying to behold. I also think the movie showing the mythos of how he gets ready to put the mask on and what it symbolizes adds a great deal to the fear factor the mask has.

Oh yeah, this is one of the three masks I have, only with no mouth, which makes it even creepier. Or me even creepier. Not sure. Same thing.